The Water element is all about tending to our emotions. In this way it relates to how we are feeling on a daily basis. How do the tides of your life ebb and flow? Are you following the the flow of the natural current or paddling upstream against the current? Remember everything you want is downstream. A lesson I’ve had to learn repeatedly is when I try to force things it never seems to work out…

When you learn to let go of the oars and surrender to the natural current of life things seem to flow with much more ease! 

The water element represents fluidity, adaptability, and emotional depth. In terms of our health, the water element can play a significant role in promoting emotional and physical balance on multiple levels.

Physically, the water element corresponds to our bodily fluids and hydration levels. Those with a dominant water element tend to have good hydration and fluid balance, but may also be prone to water retention or issues with fluid regulation. Incorporating practices that promote healthy hydration, such as drinking plenty of water and eating hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables, can help promote balance within the water element on a physical level.

Emotionally, the water element corresponds to our ability to experience and express emotion. Those with a dominant water element tend to be highly empathic and in touch with their emotions, but may also struggle with feelings of overwhelm or emotional instability. Finding healthy outlets for emotional expression, such as through art or therapy, can help promote balance within the water element on an emotional level.

Intellectually, the water element corresponds to our ability to process and assimilate information. Those with a strong water element tend to be intuitive and perceptive, but may also struggle with feelings of confusion or difficulty with decision-making. Incorporating practices that promote mental clarity and focus, such as through meditation or mind-mapping, can help promote balance within the water element on an intellectual level.

Spiritually, the water element corresponds to our ability to connect with our emotions and inner selves. Cultivating practices that promote self-reflection and emotional awareness, such as through journaling or dream work, can help promote balance within the water element on a spiritual level.

In summary, the water element can impact our health on multiple levels, including physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. By incorporating practices that promote healthy hydration and emotional expression, finding ways to promote mental clarity and focus, and cultivating practices that promote self-reflection and emotional awareness, we can promote balance within the water element and achieve a greater sense of emotional and physical balance in our lives.

If you like to flow where life takes you and are drawn to the wisdom natural world like me check out my mini-course on Elemental Wisdom. It is a simple and fun course to help you nurture the nature of who you are.

Elemental Wisdom Mini-Course

If you would like to learn more about what Elements are dominant or deficient within you and how to balance them, check out my Elemental Health Assessment.

