What are emotions actually and how do they impact our body? If you break down the word e-motion, it can be described as energy in motion. Just as everything in the universe is made up of energy from a chair, to the cells in our body, to the thoughts we think; so too are emotions. The frequency at which a given emotion vibrates will determine its effect on the body. High vibration emotions such as gratitude, joy, and love elevate your energy while low vibration emotions such as fear, guilt, and shame decrease your energy.

In some instances, instead of experiencing an emotion and moving on, it remains within the body and can create not only emotional stress but physical imbalances as well. Trapped emotions can lead to negative energy within the body. These emotions can have a heaviness to them that can weigh you down, make you feel depressed or anxious, and lead to dis-ease. For example, physical pain is our body’s way of alerting us that there is some kind of malfunction occurring in the body. I believe many diseases and pain are to some extent a physical manifestation of trapped negative energy or emotions within us. And the real kicker is… We may not even be aware of the emotion we are holding onto because it could have occurred sometime in the past. 

Fortunately, there are many healing modalities that can assist in releasing trapped emotions from the body. It is awesome there are multiple modalities to choose from because everyone is unique. One modality may work great for one person and hardly at all for another. For me personally, my healing journey with trapped emotions has been an evolution, it started with Reiki. The right modality usually presents itself to me at just the right moment in time. I would suggest starting with the modality that is calling to you and explore the others so you can find what works best for you! 

Healing modalities that can aid in releasing trapped emotions include: Reiki, Emotion Code, Bowen Therapy, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping) Sacro-occipital Technique, Massage Therapy, Shadow Work, and Shamanic Journeys.

To learn more on trapped emotions I would suggest checking out the books: The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson, You are Supernatural by Joe Dispenza, and/or You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.
