When we look at the world we live in today, it is a far cry from the world our ancestors once lived in. We are surrounded by constant noise, distractions, information, and man-made structures. Our senses are constantly being bombarded, I don’t know about y’all but I can get easily overstimulated or overwhelmed by the world we live in today. It is the era of information and technology overload. We often become stuck in our heads and disconnected from our bodies, our divinity, and our intuition. We are constantly second guessing and comparing ourselves with the world around us.

This is why honoring and nurturing a connection with the natural world has become so important to me. It helps me unplug and recharge even if it is just for 5 minutes. The ironic thing that occurs in our modern society is that we are taught or dare I say “brainwashed” to forget that we are actually A PART of nature rather than separate from it.

According to Oxford Languages, the definition of Nature is:

“The phenomena of the physical world collectively including plants, animals, the landscape and other features and products of the earth, as OPPOSED to humans or human creations.”

The very definition of nature has division in it. The world is “programming” us from a young age to view nature, plants, and animals as separate from us. Instead of viewing us all as interconnected parts of nature.

Having a connection with nature is an innate part of what it means to be human. Excuse the pun, but it is natural to be connected to nature. There is so much wisdom we can learn from being in nature. It was here long before us and will be here long after we are gone. This is what our ancestors knew, honored, and respected. They were in nature every single day and could not help but learn and observe from the world around them. 

This is still possible today when slow down, get out of our heads, and drop into our hearts. Nature has so much to teach if we create the time and space to listen. One of the easiest ways to begin re-connecting with nature is to get outside, put your phone of airplane mode, and breath even if it’s for 5 minutes. See and observe how you feel after.

The next best way to connect with nature is to re-connect with the Elements of Nature. The Elements of Nature are the foundation for understanding the universal language of life on this planet. Throughout centuries, the elements have been the basis for many creation myths across the globe. 

We also find that as the elements of earth, water, air, and fire are reflected across the planet in the natural world they are also reflected within each of us. The elements are a symbolic and archetypal language that can help you better understand yourself and the people you interact with on a daily basis. This is why the elements are the basis for may healing tradition across the globe such has Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and Medical Astrology. Our ancestors understood the importance of learning from Nature.

The Elements of Nature are the key to better understanding our true nature and those around us. I believe it is the key to returning yourself and the world to WHOLENESS.

Stay tuned for more of the Elements.
